okay, i just want to explain the little "fight" between me and ruxy(Boowow_1998).
Me and her used to be very good friends, and then i got a message from Ailish(Meanieboy) telling me she's very mean, i was like "What? ruxy?" and i checked her guestbook.
There she had been banning people from her club if she didnt like they're medoll's, and if people tried getting in but didnt have a good medoll(I often loved the medoll's that people had and we're declined from there).
I ofcourse tell her how pathetic it is, and few minutes later she blocked me, then i notice another icelander write in her guestbook. Ruxy quickly lable's her as my friend, wich i'm very offended with since she's making it sound like iceland is so small and all icelanders are friends.
Well FYI iceland is bigger then england.
Right, then i hear from my friend Holly(Babie_pink_star) that ruxy didn't let her into her club, cause she didnt like her fashion sence(BTW, holly's fashion is WAYYYYYYY better then ruxy's)
Right, yesterday she got to guestwrite for PSG again, And AGAIN with an article that many people have written about.
Then she admits that she wrote about the hotbuys cause Kasia wrote about those when she got to be an official contributer for PSG.
But the difference, is that Kasia wrote a very good article, while ruxy writes very negative comments, and like the belt and bag are seriously TO DIE FOR.
Okay, many people hate on her, and what does she do? she makes a blog saying she's like, upset or hurt by these comments?
Last time i checked i'm pretty hated myself, do i complain about it? no i dont, i laugh at it, and keep on living my life.
As you might have noticed, i wasnt the only one thinking her article was bad, two of my closest friends, Mario(Dodence_bt) and sean also didn't like it.
And what i'd also like to point out, people dont really like being called "bitches" by an 11 year old.
She's just trying to style Anthony(Springate) by saying "puh-lease" and saying "bitches" alot, but what she doesnt get, is that she´s not going to be Anthony Nr. 2.
also in the post where she's complaining you can see her say the sentanence "A slap across the face" wich i remember was already posted(Along with a review of the hotbuys) on the blog "
Cool Cats.." and, if you look at the tag's, you'll probably notice, she keeps tagging herself, Is it so people see she has been "featured" or something? Or maybe if she gets to be a writer is she going to tag herself all the time and try to beat like, ashley's record of being tagged 21 times?
Seriously ruxy, STOP looking for attention so bad. You're getting the negative one, and trust me, its an attention people dont want..
Btw, me and ruxy are friends again(yay ;D) ;)
Also you might have noticed Designah is back.
Its not her, Designah/Courtney was my best friend and she gave me her password(goes for all accounts) and i remembered she got deleted, so i tried the tip sean gave out in his latest post and it worked.
So id really like it if you dont blame me for courtney's mistakes..
And i'd like to say; Courtney feels very bad for what she did
also if you think i was designah, ask Mario, Alex or someone, they two know it wasnt me, ;)