Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sick of it.

Okay, im just officially SICK of people who think online popularity is real.

i've went over a few sites, where people think they can say what people are in, and which ones are out, let me explain this, EVERYONE is in, We're all equal.

The dumbest idea of it all, is The A-list, which thinks can say what people are in and out..
When infact the person just put her best friends in the top, Lame huh?
I've just had enough of people going crazy trying to gain fake popularity, my WHOLE life i've HATED popular kids, i play tricks on them all the time, Cause i personally dont see anything special with them, its people that think they are supirior us(Some of them are amazing though)..

From the a-List;

A list
1. Mary (Writemarycat) - Adorable
2. Kasia (UndamyUbrellla) - Helpful!
3. Ellie (Fakeshake3)
4. Isabella (Isabella.Arci) - sweet!
5. Mario (dodence_bt)
6. Angelica (Angeliiicaaa__)
7. Marie (Babii-Mariex) - <3
8. Mel (Bluegreen86) - awesome!
9. Style_Magazine
10. Selena (Model-Selena)

B list

1. Noelle (Noelle_Page)
2. Britney (Britneys07) - amazing
3. Josie (Jose-io) - <3
4. Mika (Mik-Ma) - <3
5. Mia (Guaggi)
6. Ròisin (MissDiorFashion) - Who?
7. Olivia (Puccapo)
8. Sophia (LilMrsRich) - coolness
9. Anthony (Springate) - <3
10. Ashley (BeverlyHillsHei) - <3

Seriously, i adore some of these people, but whats up with saying those are like, more important then the rest? I was on the b-list yes, and got replaced by a two faced backstabber, But seriously, i laughed alot cause of i was on it, Let me explain, I dont concider myself better than ANYONE else, not one person. Surely i know alot of rude people, But yeah... I'm just majorly sick of this.. Who doesnt know the saying "Treat others like you want to be treated".. Everyone is important and special in they're own way, and noone is better than the rest!

P.S. Online popularity does NOT exist.


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Talia said...

Arna for a laugh you should make your own A&B List

arna-rut said...

No talia, i dont want to say what people are in and out, cause i think everyone's equal in these matters

Talia said...

lol ok it was an idea for a laugh, i like being equal =D

Girl with a Lightning Scar said...

I agree with you, who's MissDiorFashion?

Angelica Isaksson said...

A little bitter, you sad person?

Hannah (iluvmumble333) said...

I agree.
Some ppl cant get on top in real life, so they chose to do it on stardoll. And the person who writes it, is a total newb.

Everything is so Overrated.

Passion said...

I do enjoy being horrible person, you got that right. and thank you so very much for this incredible honor. Sarcasm, ahh, you just gotta love it. :)

arna-rut said...

Mia and angie, Go away please?

You both know you're horrible people, I mean, its like you put Mario under a spell, you said "We can be mean and mario doesnt care" - in different words - which shows how damn low life people you are.

+ im glad im off the list..

Oh angie, want me to tell people who she is? I will if you want me to ;D

Rinna. said...

Amen to that, Arna! ;]

Angelica Isaksson said...

Hey, you're the one who broke the rules, not me you little emo-loving attentionseeker.

arna-rut said...

Broke what rules? /:

im not an emo-loving attentionseeker goddamnit.

Seriously, WHAT is your problem?

Mario really dissapointed me this time, he really thinks your good people when infact you two are HORRIBLE

Angelica Isaksson said...

You know what rules, Arna.
You're not supposed to speak of or to me and Mia and we do the same with you and Alex.

Lila said...

M & A are shitty scrags that need to get lives.
Stop stalking Arna and go kiss more or mario's ass, if there's any left for you to kiss you're pathetic heads upto.

hayown said...

Whoop, Whoop! Go Arna! (: I totally agree.

Brianna said...

Go Arna! : ) You're completely correct. I think that Stardoll has turned into high school gone wrong- Drama, populartity issues, and then you have the people who just stay out of it all!

arna-rut said...

Uhm angie, I did not accept any rules, people dont tell me what to do, i do what i want, kay?

Angelica Isaksson said...

Oh, yeah?
Then why did you apologize to me last night if it wasn't because Mario told you to?

arna-rut said...

cause i MENT it last night, but seeing how you acted, i take it back, ;]

ONLY people other then myself that can put rules for me are my parents(Well, i still break them blah)

Angelica Isaksson said...

Omg, Arna breaks her parents rules and drinks beer alone in her room at night, gee she's so cool!
Hope all the alcohol gives you brain damage ;)

arna-rut said...

i quit drinking weeks ago, /:

and you're wishing someone gets brain damage? you're even more pathetic then i thought!

Angelica Isaksson said...

Not someone, just you, and considering you sit and drink alone like some wannabe alcoholic you would have brought it on yourself ;)

arna-rut said...

Actually, i only got like 1 beer a week, Ouch thats so much, woah.

seriously, you wish i get brain damange?! god, you're the worst person ive EVER met

natasha-rox286 said...

You go girl :)
you tell them

Angelica Isaksson said...

You're underaged, if you drink and get braindamadge I really don't feel sorry for you. You know there are these little things called laws, right? Maybe you should obey them from time to time ;)

Lila said...

I feel for you Angie.
You depend on online popularity, you're life is revolved around it (And you're posters of Mario)
You're more pathetic than i thought.

arna-rut said...

Actually, the reson i started drinking was that i felt worthless and i didnt know how bad it was..

You seriously need to see how pathetic you are, trust me, you really are.

Angelica Isaksson said...

Oh, yeah, I'm the one who depends on online popularity. I have friends that adore me, maybe you guys should give it a try. Oh, wait, you're all such fake wannabes that no one can stand being around you.

arna-rut said...

Fake wannabes?

No im sorry, you're talking about yourself. My bad!

Angelica Isaksson said...

Actually, Arna, I'm not the one who's a paranoid little freak that doesn't have the guts to tell people the truth to their faces. Huh, what do you know, my parents must have actually tought me not to be a wimp ;D

Lila said...

Really now Angie?
I have many friends, I don't sit there on the computer all day.
atleast i have real friends, we don't just bitch and talk about what some skinny shitty low-life model was wearing last night.
You seriously make me laugh & my friend agree's.

arna-rut said...

Paranoid little freak? excuse me?

im not paranoid little freak. /:

and im far away from being a wimp!

I dont lie about stuff, i prefer being honest!

Angelica Isaksson said...

First of all you most likely fat little brat (a.k.a Lila - xxhappiixx), my friends actually don't care about models, they don't play with Barbie all day like I'm sure you and your little unintelligent so called friends do either ;)

And Arna, trust me, you are a paranoid weak fake wimp.

Lila said...

You look like a heroin addict, you twat.
Stop fingering Barbie doll's and get a life, or atleast use one you tramp.

arna-rut said...

Im not. And im not even gonna waste more time talking to such a horrible person like you.

Angelica Isaksson said...

I'd pick heroin chic rather than fat bitch any day ;)

And I think that's a very good decision of you to make, Arna, something you should have done a long time ago :)

arna-rut said...

No angelica, You should, You're attacking younger people then you are..

And i'd love it if you could leave Lila alone, shes NOT fat. Shes amazing!

Angelica Isaksson said...

That bitch started it, not me.

Lila said...

Get a dick dude.
Oh shit, you're a girl aren't you? Didn't realise that. I couldn't see really. I only realised you were a girl cos you're so bitchy.
where do you get you're comebacks from? Barbie Repunzel?

arna-rut said...

you should be mature enough to not call her that, You're nearly 16, Have you got any idea how old she is?!

Angelica Isaksson said...

I'm 15 and a half ;D

And what's your problem, little girl? Why did you even stick your nose into this atfirst? There's this Swedish saying that you should really learn: Sköt dig själv och skit i andra. It pretty much means mind your own business and leave others the fuck alone.

arna-rut said...

Angie, Shes defending me, She's a true friend, You should get one ;)

Angelica Isaksson said...

Aw, how considerate of you, Arna. I do have them though, on stardoll they're called Mia, Mary and Mario, I think you might know who Mario is ;D I have loads of them in real life too, you should get one ;)

Lila said...

I didn't stick my nose into this now, I don't think you know how long I've known Arna for? What i've helped her through. Ask you're bumchum Mia, I had a word with her on MSN zonks ago.
Ohh emm gee, You're well cool! You can speak swedish, do you do that to try and impress guys? newsflash! They don't give two fucks.

Lila said...

You have three friends? Wow. That's alot for you.

Angelica Isaksson said...

Yeah, I don't know if you've noticed, but I am actually not retarded enough not to learn my countrys language ;)

arna-rut said...

Ah yes, i know him, I loved the nickname he gave you once, what did it sound like? Angiewhore or something, i cant remember, they were to many!

You seriously enjoied slowly taking him away from me, didnt you?

Angelica Isaksson said...

Trust me, little girl, I have a whole lot more than three friends, I think you accedentally counted your own number of friends :)

And Arna, don't you just love the fact that I can go from a whore in someones eyes to their best friend in less than a nano second? (:

Lila said...

You're swedish?!? Fuck-a-doodle-doo.

arna-rut said...

you seriously need a life, you really are enjoying that you finally took him from me and alex arent you?

Angelica Isaksson said...

Actually, it's all cause of you two that Mia and I "got" him (You know he's not a freaking toy, don't you?)

Well, maybe the fact that Mia has the same nano second superpower as I do helped a bit ;D

Lila said...

Um, Nope :) Please, ask people next time. You'd be suprised.
I have a new nickname for you my dear, Wonder BrAngie

arna-rut said...

I know hes not a toy, but you act like that.

Me and alex supported him for 5 fucking months, while you two were being horrible to him me and alex actually supported him. God your pathetic

Angelica Isaksson said...

Yeah, I'm the one who acts like a spoiled child whose toy is being taken from her. Learn to share, Arna.

arna-rut said...

I know how to share, but to two horrible nasty people? Naw, I know you two'll just hurt him or something /;

+ im not spoiled actually

Lila said...

How many Wonder Bra's do you own Wonder BrAngie?
Ledgend's out there that there's one with Mario's face all over it.

Angelica Isaksson said...

What kind of sick obsession do you people have with my boobs?

Ur mom said...

Holy frigging' hell.
Calm yourself lil shit.
Have your parents taught you anything about manners? Like not calling people fat? This is why people start eating disorders, because of obnoxious little bitches like you.
& even if she is fat, which I wouldn't kno you doN,t have to tell her, kay? Thats just rude.

Lila said...

We gathered from you that you care so much.

Lila said...

We don't have an obsession with you're boobs, you're boobs have an obsession of getting in the way of everything, it's hard not to notice.

Mario Dodovski said...

You fucking make me sick for starting another fight!
Learn how to share and accept the fact that I am not only YOUR best friend! I am MIA's and ANGIE's best friend TOO!
And don't you ever speak to me again! EVER!
I told you don't make fights! And I am ONE DAY not online on msn and YOU did it AGAIN!

Ur mom said...

Lmao, can I just wander here and read this argument and occasionaly state my opinion?

arna-rut said...

Lol, Mario. Seriously, You still dont see how horrible they are?!

If you dont, you're REALLY blind!

arna-rut said...

btw mario, i hate you more. Sorry!

Angelica Isaksson said...

Omg, you little lesbians, I can't help the way that my boobs look, do you want me to throw on a burka the next time I take a picture?

And Arna, give it a rest.

arna-rut said...

Lol, I dont care about your boobs, just cause you want to make them bigger, dumbb...

+ Im not a lesbian sweetie

Lila said...

It would help, put it over you're face you fugly twat.

Ur mom said...

You little homophobe.
& yeah, if you're gonna show pictures of yourself to pure strangers, might as well wear a burka :)

Lila said...

It's not like you're going to get brownie points for having online friends, sweetie.

Angelica Isaksson said...

Yeah, right. If I'm a homophobe for saying that there's a chance you guys are lesbians since you all seem to have a very disturbing obsession with me, then you're all misogynous for thinking I should wear a burka.

arna-rut said...

Lol, angie, You need a life /;

Lila said...

We have an obsession with you?
Dream on deary.

Angelica Isaksson said...

Well, you know, Arna, since I know that you need one a whole lot more, I'm gonna be kind enough to donate a part of mine to you :)

arna-rut said...

Me needing a life? Now im not attacking younger people am i?

Lila said...

I'm not sure Arna wants it.
See, It's part of you, that's the thing..

Angelica Isaksson said...

Omg, you're like a couple of months younger than I am, you're fully capable of defending yourself, Arna.

Ur mom said...

You know what everyone should be arguing about? Aids, its a terrible disease.

arna-rut said...

No angie, Im 1 year younger. I should have less mature then you, unfortunetly its the other way around here ;O

Ur mom said...

I'm almost 13, and my matturity level has really blossomed these past years. I may even say i'm more mature then 95% of the stardoll population.

S▲LT Y D▲N ™ said...

Angelica Isaksson = vapid, image obsessed cunt.

That's my view.


Lila said...

I'm 12.
Suck on that.

arna-rut said...

Lol go dan ;P

Ur mom said...

You're 12, too? I'm 13 in 12 days!
I know you hate me... but i'm trying to be 'a better person'

Mario Dodovski said...

Wow, Mika, great job!
You offend Angie even though you don't know her.
And Arna, go fuck yourself you little bitch! I seriously don't need best friends that are jealous on the others!

Mario Dodovski said...

Dan Puffs - a big bitch for offending a person he doesn't know.

Ur mom said...

Well, I don't know her, thats true.
Maybe I should shut up now..
I'm sorry I was a bitch angie.
Just trying to protect my friend.
I suck at this though,
sorry :S

arna-rut said...

Lol, mario, At least dan has some sense, He knows what people are the bad ones here, ANGIE CALLED A 12 YEAR OLD A FAT BITCH! /;

Lila said...

Fuck off Mario.
You're the one that got all fucking touchy when you realised Arna was on Dan's BFF list not you.
It's not like a prize you know? It's called friendship.
You're such a fucking cum-sucking bastard.

Angelica Isaksson said...

First of all, I didn't know she was twelve and secondly she started it.

Lila said...

& It's okay Mika.
I like you, maybe.. you're not such a bitch.

Ur mom said...

I'm a bitch. I can ba a bitch. I was a bitch, but right now.. I don't feel like a bitch.

Anonymous said...

OMG..will ye all leave arna alone she never done anytin 2 u..and angilica dont be sayin stuff like dat bou arna even ifs its true or not its jus bad u jus tink u all dat n every1 loves u..bu no u got a lot of haters including me!

Lila said...

No, 'babe' you did.
You stalked Arna, and commented on her blog. I saw what was going to happen next, you were going to make her feel like shit.
So, I helped Arna. Cos she's a fucking good friend.
Get used to it.

arna-rut said...

Mario, language.. There do young kids read this blog

and i didnt want to LOL. Me likes joking around ;]

Im so glad i can finally have a mind of my own!

Lila said...

Never, I hope no one has to go through that misery of sucking you'res.
No, Arna tells me lot's of things about you. Get used to it.

S▲LT Y D▲N ™ said...

Mario, if she can sit here and chat utter shit about people then she should learn to take it back, calling people fat and making fun of people for their image is fucking pathetic, she's vapid.

Sorry if you don't like me saying what I think but that's me, I value your friendship but I value my honesty more, calling people fat is what causes bulemia and anorexia.

& M!ka, maybe I was wrong about you!


Mario Dodovski said...

Oh Arna, you deleted my comment?!
How amazing! Scared ha?!
I am going to post it again! MANY MANY TIMES!

Angelica Isaksson said...

I might have done a whole lot of shit, but I sure as hell never stalked that low-life, I just saw a post about the A-list and read it, not knowing that she'd be attacking Mia and I in it.

arna-rut said...

Dan, thats pretty much what made me get damn anorexia when i was like 8 years old.. And why im on fast way on getting anorexia right now, i hardly eat anymore :[

Anonymous said...


Angelica Isaksson said...

Trying to get pity again, huh Arna?
And who the fuck cares if I call someone fat, go cry to your mommy about it.

arna-rut said...

Mario, i was KIDDING kay? ;/

Ur mom said...

Wow, I never thought i'd here Dan saying that about me.
For once you're right.. I presented myself as a total douche bag, and i'm sorry.. :S

arna-rut said...

I said those shits, cause you got damn dumb, and i could stop acting like a person that was brainwashed

Mario Dodovski said...

I am going to post it million times Arna! I wasn't kidding if you were kidding! You called me VERY bad names! And I will post it on my blog if you keep deleting it!

Lila said...

You think I'm fat?
Wait, do I KNOW you?

arna-rut said...

MARIO stop it, Want me to tell everyone your secrets hah?

arna-rut said...

Seriously mario, Cause we fell out, We promised each other to not tell secrets, And i was just kidding around, so yea,stop it

Mario Dodovski said...

Yes please! Do it!
I am sure you will have fun doing it!
I want EVERYONE to know my secrets! Let's start with... what secret should be first Arna?
Name one, and I will confess it!

Lila said...

No one wants to know about you're 1 -inch cock, get over it dude.

Ur mom said...

Yeah, everytime i get called fat it makes me wanna lose a pound. & that adds up.. I lost almost 40 pounds with bulimia.

arna-rut said...

Mario, Please stop it, These are personal secrets, I cant believe you're gonna go so low to tell people them

Lila said...

I have tried to make myself puke many times, I don't need some low-life bitch commenting on my weight.

Angelica Isaksson said...

You guys are pathetic.

Ur mom said...

Thats the spiri, lila.
& don't do it.. I became an aweful monster by doing that!

Fiona said...


Okay, I know this has nothing to do with me, and I don't even know the whole story, but Mario, you're being a jerk if you're trying to tell Arna's secrets to people.

Even if you're not friends anymore, you still had good times together, and nobody deserves to have their secrets on the internet.

S▲LT Y D▲N ™ said...

Calling people fat is more than a simple word, one of my best friends in the whole world was anorexic for a long time because her step father called her fat, she's beautiful and he had no right.

So Angelicass, if you think it makes you sound shit hot or if you are honestly that fucking shallow that you think it's a quick retort to call people fat for your sad little amusement you are so mistaken, it effects people and if you were not such a self obsessed sasquatch you would know that shit like that damages people because it's a personal insult and it hits so much more deep than calling somebody a bitch or a whore.

You are disgusting.

& M!ka, when I'm wrong, I say I'm wrong and I was, obviously you were having a shitty day when I saw those messages you sent to Zoe, and we all make mistakes...I make so many! I hope we can move on from our 'spat'.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Arna is right.
Why don't you all just admit that she is. (To the people that won't)
I hate those lists, their utterly stupid.
WE ARE ALL EQUAL- Like Arna said.


Lila said...

Thank you, Mika..
It really makes me feel like shit.
One of my best friends is a model, It put's alot of pressure on me.

Fiona said...

Wow, well said Dan! :O

Ur mom said...

Yeah, I was having a shitty day. & my ex-shitty friend asked me to protect her form those girls.. I obviously wasn,t thinking, because I was just as bad as Angie is being now, by calling girls fat and hiding behind the computer screen.

I never really understood how nice yuo were until now, and I finally see a 'real' person instead of a 'tormenter'.

& I deserved the crap i got, seems like its timeto move on, eh?

arna-rut said...


Fiona said...

Mario, I don't know what's wrong with you. What could possibly have done on a virtual website to deserve you telling her secrets to everyone?!

Angelica Isaksson said...

Hang on for a sec, I'm not the one throwing up to be thinner, so I'm not the disgusting one.

arna-rut said...

Whatever, im leaving stardoll, im deleting my account, im not going to be on stardoll after mario fucking leaked all those bullshit i said out

Ur mom said...

From what I see: You're disgusting inside, Angie.

Fiona said...

Arna, don't let him get to you. That's exactly what he wants! If you leave Stardoll, he's won.

Angelica Isaksson said...

Maybe you should get glasses then, Mika, 'cause you obviously got a poor sight.

arna-rut said...


Ur mom said...

Yeah Arna!
Don't leave, you've gotta realize not everyone is gonna like you - but you've gotta learn how to ignore it!

arna-rut said...


Angelica Isaksson said...

Arna, you're seriously crazy.

Lila said...

We all know what a fame whore you are Mario.
You're Mum and Dad are siblings, right?
You're a little peice of shit, you used Arna. I could see it. You made Arna feel like shit, She did something last night, something I don't want to say for Arna's sake.
If you make someoen feel taht shit, You're a bully.
Get over it Mario, You deserve to be illigal, you're so full of yourself.
Please, go fuck yourself. You sex-hungry cunt.

Ur mom said...

Lmao, I actually got my eye exam last week, and I got perfect vision. So you can suck it.

Fiona said...

That's low Mario, even for you.

Angelica Isaksson said...

Didn't anyone every tell you that peoples parents are offlimits during fights, Lila? You're an even bigger bitch than me.

Ur mom said...

Lmao sex-hungry, nice one!

Mario Dodovski said...

Amazing! I am thrilled from all of you! :)

arna-rut said...

Mario, i was dumb, you charmed me, i wonder how many people you've done it to, I looked up to you, and i adored you.. It doesnt matter anymore. bye everyone

S▲LT Y D▲N ™ said...

Arna, don't leave for anyone!

Don't take any notice of the people who are being mean, there are more people who love you to bits than hate you.

Angelica, honestly you are a shallow, arrogant try-hard, I bet you are the A-List, you are the only one who seems to think you are fabulous.

arna-rut said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angelica Isaksson said...

I'm not the A-list, I'm just a contributer to the blog.

Lila said...

If I am a bitch, you my dear.. wow..

Ur mom said...

God-damn don't you dare leave.
I'll run all the way to iceland and slap you if you do! You make stardoll fun.. don't friggin' dare leave!

Angelica Isaksson said...

I wonder if I'm getting very tired or if everyone's getting a whole lot more amusing ;D

arna-rut said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mario Dodovski said...

Omg you are so fucking funny!

S▲LT Y D▲N ™ said...

I love how you deny the accusation of being the A-List but don't deny you are a vapid try-hard.

Speaks volumes.


arna-rut said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ur mom said...

Why am I even on the b-list? Can I be on like the z-list? lmao.
No serious. I don't belong there. I'm a total loser.

Angelica Isaksson said...

I don't have full power over the list, Mika, as I said, I'm not the owner. And as for Dans comment, I'm simply choosing to ignore them.

Ur mom said...

Arna, I'm so freaking sorry that happened D;

Lila said...

Mario, you are a two-faced vagina head.


Fiona said...

Arna, don't you DARE leave Stardoll! Can't you see you're doing exactly what he wants? Ignore him, block him, just don't let him get to you!

Lila said...

No Wonder BrAngelica, you don't have power over anything you twat.

Angelica Isaksson said...

Oh, please, Arna wants to talk to Mario, that's why she's been calling him on his cellphone like a total psycho.

S▲LT Y D▲N ™ said...

You ignore them? You replied directly to them.

Of course you have 'power' over the list, you make it - why else are you even in it? I had no idea who you are up until a day or so ago and I am pretty much on the pulse, writing for Perez and all.

Mario, honestly dude - I'm so shocked by you, I thought you were amazing up until now, what the hell happened?

Angelica Isaksson said...

I never asked to be on the list, infact I asked the owner to place me way down lower if she was gonna have me on it.

arna-rut said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ur mom said...

:O This has gone way too far.
Mario, I had a friend on stardoll and we hate each other now. I told her everything about me, my secrets, my phone number even my address and my passwords: and you know what? She may hate me like crazy but she hasn,t tried to give away my secrets contact me or even hack me.
This just proves you're not that trustworthy of a guy. At all. Like Dan said, what the hell happened?

Angelica Isaksson said...

Oh, and Dan, have you ever heard of Eternity, smartass? I practicly ran it with Mary.

Lila said...

Go on Mario, tell them what you did to Arna.
I know what you have done, tell them.
How much you have hurt her, made her feel like

Fiona said...

Who gives a crap, Angelica?

Angelica Isaksson said...

Who the hell are you anyway, Fiona? And what kind of a name is Fiona? It sounds like a fucking plant.

Fiona said...

I am the owner of this blog. And how does Fiona sound like a plant? Are you retarded or something?

arna-rut said...

angie, Fiona is a very beautiful name. Its very normal..

S▲LT Y D▲N ™ said...

I'm with Mika, I fell out with my friend online too and although we don't speak now she would never post the pictures I have shown her, and I would never do the same to her - I'm really shocked by all this.

Angelica, of course you are the A-List, say you're not until your blue in the face and your tits exploded, it's pretty much a full gone conclusion. Eternity? Congratufuckinglations? Who are you? Fiona is a sweetheart who is well known because she's NICE, she does not have to make fun of peoples weights to get attention, you cunt.

A plant? are you by chance in special Ed?

Lila said...

Plants are Beautiful <3
Like Fiona.
Angelica sounds like a 40 year-old retired hooker.

Ur mom said...

Fiona is a gorgeous name, so stfu.
Isaksson sounds like: I sex sons
So I wouldn't be talking lil shit.

Ur mom said...

Lmao, Lila you're HILARIOUS!

Angelica Isaksson said...

Angelica is Latin and Isaksson means son of Isak, dumbass.

And no, I'm not in special ed, I most likely have a higher IQ than all of you combined.

S▲LT Y D▲N ™ said...


Please, if you do have a high IQ you are really not proving it, when did the name Fiona sound like a plant? you dumb bitch.

Lila said...

You are, boffin?
I admire you're honesty, sadly, it makes you look like a crack-whore.

Ur mom said...

Lmfao, are you kidding me Angelicrap? I've been to once of the best schools in the United States, when I lived there... It was for children of people who worked at the United Nations, I'm wearing my UNIS tee shirt right now actually. I wrote like a highschool student in second grade and I've done 6th grade math in 2nd grade. You know what else? I broke the record in geography at my current school: I gto 100% on all my exams.

arna-rut said...

whoever invented scissors was a fucking geneous

S▲LT Y D▲N ™ said...

Who cares if I am dumb anyways? at least I know how fucking idiotic it is to call people fat.


Ur mom said...

Nice one Dan. XD

Fiona said...

I would much rather be dumb and nice, than be smart and bitch about people you barely know, and have never even met.

Ur mom said...

I'm gonna watch me some Jon & Kate + 8 now

Lila said...

Why so quiet xx

Ur mom said...

I think its because Angelicrap shut her pie hole :)

Angelica Isaksson said...

Fiona sounds like a plant because when you hear the name Fiona you start thinking about frugivor which is kind of a type of vegan that only eats plants fruits and such, but they never injure the plant itself until the plant's completed its lifecircle.

Ur mom said...

Took you a while to research that, didn't it?

Angelica Isaksson said...

No, it was because I actually have more important things to do than fight with people through comments on a blog post.

Angelica Isaksson said...

No, I've studied all the different vegetarian diets and made an essay about it for school, so I remember that.

Fiona said...

For one, frugivor sounds nothing at all like Fiona.

Secondly, if you have more important things to do than fight with people through comments in a blog post, why did you start it?

Ur mom said...

I have the decency not to lie about that and say that i'm my brothers room, on his computer watching Jon and kate Plus 8 on the television and talking to my bff on skype.
I don't pretend to have 'Better things to do', unlike you - Lonely bitch.

S▲LT Y D▲N ™ said...

Fiona sounds like a name to me, but that's possibly because I'm stupid right?

People like you with high IQ's think outside the box. Go compile a Z-list for your blog and reserve me fucking seat.

Lila said...

Ahem, daerest, you started this.

Angelica Isaksson said...

Yes it does, if you instinctivly pick words to pieces like I do, you can draw logical ties with a lot of things.

Angelica Isaksson said...

I didn't start it, I just responded to the fact that Arna broke the rules in less than 24 hours after they were created.

Ur mom said...

Can I slap you?

Angelica Isaksson said...

No, that would be an assult.

S▲LT Y D▲N ™ said...

You seriously have no life, do you?

Picking words apart? I thought you had better things to do? like what? between replying to ever message here and picking words apart what can you possibly be doing?

Ur mom said...

Thats a shame. I geuss I can still call you s low-life scum bag.

Angelica Isaksson said...

I don't choose to pick words apart, idiot, it happens automatically in my brain. You see, intelligent people often has talents, my talent is that I'm good at languages and I have a good memory for useless facts.

S▲LT Y D▲N ™ said...


Oh wow, this just got lame.


Angelica Isaksson said...

Oh, please, it's been lame for quite a while.

CarmenSays said...

Omg, you little lesbians, I can't help the way that my boobs look, do you want me to throw on a burka the next time I take a picture?


@ angelica

why the fuck did u mention a burka?

Angelica Isaksson said...

'Cause they couldn't stop obsessing about my body and a burka is designed to cover an entire person.

Angelica Isaksson said...

To be perfectly honest, Mika, I'm pleased with being anyone aslong as I'm not you.

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