I'm so sorry I didn't post in a long time I realy didn't have time :S
Well..2 lovely girls (Bronagh97 & tis99car.88) Just told me in my guestbook about something REALY weird! lol
In the blog http://hot-stardoll-gossip.blogspot.com/ they copy other blogs' banners? , they just change the Stardoll name!
Here's the link for the topic that the girl say's SHE made the banners herself, you can see all the banners that were copied!
44nicole44 (the owner of the blog) sent me this message:
"I asked my friend to make me a banner since there was so many wrighters for the blog , She made them for me and I took them and used them , I asked her if she made them wright from scratch and she said yes. I posted them on the blog and we started useing them. Some times I wanted pics 2 and she would give me some like the one with the boy clothes on sale and that . I never know they were copyed . I have mesaged all the wrighters to say not to use the banners because there coppys .
Im so sorry , I should have trusted her .
I know im only a child and im realy sorry x
You can delete me now , and reporte out blog x
So sorry 44nicole44 xox "
It's really not a big deal, I just thought we had to clear this up, I'm glad it's fixed now and they said sorry.