Honestly,I have no idea how long it has been since I've posted here.I'm extremely sorry and want to thank all of you people who still read the blog and check it frequently.I've been very bad and haven't really kept my promise of posting about the hottest things on Stardoll right now.But It's a New Year and a new start.Firstly,I know its very late and its been 29 days since New Year,but still,Happy New Year.Second,I'd be honored if you left a comment in my GuestBook suggesting things I should do. Third,I'm never out of gossip,I just don't have much time.I hardly get time for myself! I used to be an active Stardollian,but I have stopped going on so frequently..I check it everyday..For friend requests and comments and messages and of course updates,But I don't have time to do stuff.Also,I'm a little bored since I've run out of SS and it's no fun not being SS [greedy me!] I just have to buy HotBuys and Antidote [which had restocked and this collection was amazing!] is all over. But February's HB seem really good. Take a look!

List Of February HB'S :
HB's Tee Top -Fudge coming 20 Feb.
Hb's Stripped Dress -Fudge- Coming 14 Feb.
Hb's Double Belt -RIO coming 4 Feb
HB's Vest -Fallen Angel coming 8 Feb.
HB's Fluffy earing Splendid coming 10 Feb.
Hb's Sweater Evil panda coming 12 Feb.
HB's Shoes Stardoll coming 17 Feb.
HB's Dress Bisou coming 24 Feb.
HB's Dotted Jacket Evil Panda 1 Feb.
HB's Pretty In Pink Bag coming 26 Jan.
Seem really cute.Are you gonna by them? I will! Remember,I'm always open to suggestions and once again thank you for giving this blog your love and support :)