Okay, im just officially SICK of people who think online popularity is real.
i've went over a few sites, where people think they can say what people are in, and which ones are out, let me explain this, EVERYONE is in, We're all equal.
The dumbest idea of it all, is The A-list, which thinks can say what people are in and out..
When infact the person just put her best friends in the top, Lame huh?
I've just had enough of people going crazy trying to gain fake popularity, my WHOLE life i've HATED popular kids, i play tricks on them all the time, Cause i personally dont see anything special with them, its people that think they are supirior us(Some of them are amazing though)..
From the a-List;
A list
1. Mary (Writemarycat) - Adorable
2. Kasia (UndamyUbrellla) - Helpful!
3. Ellie (Fakeshake3)
4. Isabella (Isabella.Arci) - sweet!
5. Mario (dodence_bt)
6. Angelica (Angeliiicaaa__)
7. Marie (Babii-Mariex) - <3
8. Mel (Bluegreen86) - awesome!
9. Style_Magazine
10. Selena (Model-Selena)
B list
1. Noelle (Noelle_Page)
2. Britney (Britneys07) - amazing
3. Josie (Jose-io) - <3
4. Mika (Mik-Ma) - <3
5. Mia (Guaggi)
6. RĂ²isin (MissDiorFashion) - Who?
7. Olivia (Puccapo)
8. Sophia (LilMrsRich) - coolness
9. Anthony (Springate) - <3
10. Ashley (BeverlyHillsHei) - <3
Seriously, i adore some of these people, but whats up with saying those are like, more important then the rest? I was on the b-list yes, and got replaced by a two faced backstabber, But seriously, i laughed alot cause of i was on it, Let me explain, I dont concider myself better than ANYONE else, not one person. Surely i know alot of rude people, But yeah... I'm just majorly sick of this.. Who doesnt know the saying "Treat others like you want to be treated".. Everyone is important and special in they're own way, and noone is better than the rest!
P.S. Online popularity does NOT exist.
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 477 of 477 Newer› Newest»LOL jenna, XP
fine we can share him.....
i was about to make a pervy comment but i restrained myself.
i was gonna say you take one ball, i'll take the other and we can share the middle....
Ah, im gonna go to sleep! bye bye x
wow. You go from saying that you love having fans and being popular, to saying that you are so smart that you dont need it. Get your story straight.
And if it doesnt matter to you why are you having a bitchfest about it?
so true..<3
Reading this made me laugh. I have nothing to do with this but I can give my opinion about it. You guys could've stopped from the beginning. So why didn't you? It would've made you look (Arna) intelligent and way more mature then Angelica in my opinion is a Sterotypical person why definently needs to get a life in which she said she has one but then why was she still on fighting with all of you? Mhmmm. So conclusion: Angelica=Attention Whore, Arna= Smart, Dan= Open Expressive Person, Mario= Backstabbing Brat.
Enough said.
Oh and I'm totally a fan of Jenna now!
You know who else is hot Alex Mckee or Alexander McKee which ever!
Tokio Hotel rocks Arna!
But I like Cinema Bizarre hmm IDK!
Angelica girl, I don't want to be rude but,you should stop this. You are being rude at all of them! You are showing your self being low life. Sorry,but,you really should not talk about others names. Fiona is a BEAUTIFUL name! Maybe you are jealous or something??? And of course,I will defend my friend Arna in any moment,and my BFF Fiona and M!ka. You have no respect! You are being wrong! You only want Attention!
I couldnt agree more :D Go Arna
I'm speechless.
Angelica, sweetheart, if you're so smart and have that "oh-so-high IQ", you would have known that "intelligent people HAS talents" is grammatically incorrect, Ms. Genius, you should've said "intelligent people HAVE talents".
Obviously, you're very good at languages.
Personally, I don't completly agree with either of you but I leaning towards Angelica.
Arna you say you love being equal yet your such an attention seeker and your constenly going to the 'IT' parties and spilling details about your personal life, lapping up all the attention.
Stupid catty bitches how can there be A list and b list that is the biggist bullshit :/ and arna you are only complaining because you arnt on it hoe
I never heard for the most of these people xD
I heard for 4 of them xD
Holy Mackerel.
Anjelica, it is best you do put a burka on as you look like a crack whore. You self concious, hymen sucking twat.
Arna, I have been bullied, and my Mum Told me,
"Dont lety the bastards let you down."
But in this case, it should be "don let the hymen-sucking crack-whore twats let you down. You've been through so much and you should be a fucking inspiration to people, unlike Angelica & Mario, who are fucking ting-tongs.
Mario, we all know your a dickhead, you twisted son-of-a-bitch.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Blogger Angelica Isaksson said...
Do I seem to care what other people find offencive?
Sunday, March 22, 2009
You should, twat.
Go out on to the street and laugh at someone wearing a burka and they'll beat your fucking ass.
Stop this, it's so stupid. ALL of you are out of hand! One says something, the next person says something worse, and the next and it goes on and on.
Seriously, realize this is not real life it's virtual, you shouldn't be roaring insults, especially personal ones.. it's pretty pathetic, especially to broadcast it on comments in a blog.
I love Angie so much, and I also love Arna.. Your both close friends of mine and I don't want to choose sides.
Fighting doesn't get you anywhere.
Just so you know, it's "Don't let the bastards GRIND you down"
Angelica Isaksson, if you are attempting to correct others spelling and grammar you should take a long hard look at your own because for real, your spelling is so bad, it's made even more hilarious by the fact you claim to be so very intelligent but you spell like a 3 year old!
Sophie, dear, we all know you are a slutty little whore who sticks her nose where it doesn't belong to. So don't comment please :)
I dont think people realise that this is an internet thing...
If someone calls you a bitch online isnt the immediate reaction "how the hell would she/he know that?"
Look i know you lot have probably never heard of me but, HELLO? YOU GUYS MET ON STARDOLL!
And you immediately hate each other.
This has just got ridiculous. And PLANT-GIRL?
I have to side with arna and dan on this - get a life Angelica Isaksson.
;) Maddyxx
I'd give my soul to have sexy-time with Faris Rotter!
Angie is racist, BTW.
Wtf? Arna didn't say anything wrong. You just had to come along and start just another arguement. Get over it Angelica.
I'm all for being silly and a little immature at times, but God, guys--
Grow UP.
Do you not realize that by saying stuff like... "Oh, I'm more popular than you, and you're wrong, and oh, I have a higher IQ." ...you're being incredibly stupid?
Incredibly, phenomenally stupid?
Do you not realize that when Angelica defends herself so aggressively and says she's so much better than everyone, she's insecure? She's proving everyone right. Angelica says she has this great big life full of friends and fun, and she's so popular and smart--Well then, why are you wasting your precious, beautiful time here on Earth on this silly blog arguing? Grow up. Mature a little bit.
This is so ridiculous, you guys don't even KNOW. You are all contradicting yourselves.
Am Still Laughing At Her Thinking Fiona Sounds Like A Plant.
High IQ My Asss.
My Sisters Called Fiona And Shes Not A Plant , I Can Assure Ye.
Angelica , The Name Reminds Me Of The Wee Bratty Blonde Doll Outta The Rugrats That They All Hatee.
Ironic Eh?
♥ Hannia
Thank you, Lily btw!
It looks like I missed something big last night and I'm glad I did, I dont know half of the people on here and from reading this I knew so much about too many strange people, its realy funny, what a small world ha?!
Plus Fiona is and Irish name and it means fair.
Wow. OMG Arna all I have to say is I love you. I know it is over and I missed it and you and Mario have made up. But really hun from what I have read friends just do not treat each other like this and out things told in confidence. I have a real life friend that I totally hate now and I know a lot of shit about her, but I would never tell anyone because it was personal. That's just not cool. So think about it and even as you are forgiving Mario..don't forget what has happened.
Oh and no one should care what anyone else says about the (Fat, anorexic etc..) because most likely they only do that to make themselves feel better and overcome their own insecurities.
You know what's friggin' hilarious? You people are ARGUING in comments for a blog about a VIRTUAL WORLD!! That's is sooo stupid. I feel like a moron for even having read that. Who cares who said what or who's friends with who? I guarantee you all hate each other everyday anyway. No one cares. If you want to argue...get together in REAL LIFE...you know...away from your computers...and yell instead of type. Stop acting like tough little kids that cuss...and apparently drink...no one cares! Stop caring what people say and do to you...get over it and live an ACTUAL LIFE!
lol Mika wth??
how is sexy time with Faris Rotter relevant??
I 'unno. He's relevant to everything because he's just that sexy!
I agree with Emorox4eve (Jenna)
Wow. I woke up too late to actually be involved in this, but I'm in shock, haha. That was basically A) The longest fight I've EVER read, and B) The most bitchiest fight I've ever read. My opinion:
Arna- I'm totally agreeing with you. I am definitely sick of all this drama, popularity issues, and annoying posts on blogs I don't care for. This post, however, was something I could actually relate to.
Lila- I can relate to YOU, too. I'm not going to go into detail, but I know how you feel. It wasn't the best choice for Angie to call you a fat bitch, and she's probably going to loose a lot of friends and gain enemies for that. The reason I can relate to you is that I, myself, have been called many choice words (How about a 10 year old whore for ya?) too.
Angie- I suggest purchasing a life on E-bay, since it's clear you don't have one whatsoever. Calling people fat bitches and bringing up the bazuka is NOT the way to go, darlin'. I'd love to meet you in real life- and your parents. If they heard what you've said, I fear that they will be severely dissapointed with you.
M!ka- Your little, random comments in betweeen made my day, that's all I have to say about you.
Mario- I have no clue what happened between you and Arna, but I'm glad you're friends again. Let's hope that this doesn't occur again!
Angelica or whatever your name is, if you're so good at languages and you think of yourself as "intelligent" which is indeed a good joke, then why did you say, "You see, intelligent people often has talents" Has? What's "has"? If you're so intelligent, you might as well have excellent grammar. But that's where you're wrong, since the form is not "has" it's HAVE. But let's not confuse that small, infested brain of yours. Seriously, you think you're intelligent? LOL Get over yourself, and stop trying to convince yourself that you're intelligent. =]
440 comments?! O_o
This is extremely entertaining.
You come and insult TFD. saying she has no life, or I have no life.
Yet you people can make 442 fucking comments on random shit and stay up past 3:00 AM just to do it. And yet you guys say you can maintain a life.
Wow. xD
Now go on, yell at me.
I agree with GenaPhopia.
Ha it still hasn't ended.
Angelica Isaksson said...
Do I seem to care what other people find offencive?
Firstly..Are you for fucking real? Grow up you little twerp and have some fucking respect for people's faiths & beliefs. A burka isn't the only piece of clothing that could cover those mosquito bites you call your tits.
Secondly.. the correct term of spelling is O-F-F-E-N-S-I-V-E. Can you say that sweetie? It's real easy, just say the letters out loud, we'll do it again. O-F-F-E-N-S-I-V-E. There we go..good girl. Now you won't fuck up again by writing "offencive". I thought with your "spectacular mind" and ability to speak and write several langauges, you could at least spell basic words.
You know what I think? I think you all are being paranoided little hot heads who are full of it and think that because your not 'uber popular' in real life, you can be popular online. But there is NO. SUCH. THING. AS. ONLINE. POPULARITY. Do you need me to repeat again? Listen, this has gotten out of hand. 444 posts of crap and your eye balls are all probably burnt out from being online so long. Get a life!!! Stop fighting online!!! It's so much easier to all be friends, and treat each other equally! Plus, everyone knows that MOST (but not all) popular people are usually low-lifes who put down others to boost there selfesteem. That's sad. We really should just all be friends, stardoll has become some bitch-slapping website because of these sorts of things. Has anyone stepped back from this fight and thought about this: Wow, I have a computer, I have a house, I have food on my plate at night, maybe I should be more thankful for these kinds of things and NOT fight online because I could of been placed in a situation where I starve to death, I have no home, my parents are dead, I'm dying of a small illness that I haven't gotten shots for. Seriously people, there are little children in Africa dying and all you can think about is trash talking someone else?
Think about THAT.
Oh :[[
Bye arna U.u
you are Fantastic...
M!ka and DanPuffs are funny!
Why people always have discussions cause of little miss wannabe mario ?
You people gave each others phone numbers on the internet? :O
Okay! First of all I'm sorry for butting in on the convo, but I'm on Arna's side. I have no idea what you're really fighting about but all I know is there is some really fowl things coming out of your mouth angie and since you're are all up for not breaking parental rules didn't they tell you to have some manners and that girls shouldn't use nasty language?
And you have no right to call someone fat! I am overweight, you're not fat and you don't know how bad it feels to be so. And no one needs to be told they are cause odds are they already know and I am one of those people.
I am 13 going on 14 and even I am more mature than you.
You talk about how you think your IQ is so much higher than 'ours' well as a matter of fact some of us ace our exams and we don't go around shouting our mouths off about how someone else looks when really that person shouldn't be of your concern. If you were really smart, you'd be smart enough to know how to end fights after beginning them. Even though I don't know you, I thought you were nice but after seeing this you have given me a different opinion
Do us all a favour and shut up.
- Sorry, I'm in a bad mood today...I just had a lot to say!
I wonder if angelicrap would shout her fat mouth off like this if she were in front of us? I don't think she would. She's all tits and no action. Pathetic little dweeb.
Wow 453, not going to read all. But some of what you said is true. It's just an other way to separate people online.
Hey, but some of us whatever age we are do once in a while dream of fame or fortune. But I never got the online fame/thing. Famous online for doing something good, yes. Famous for being an wannabe/slut/showoff,fake, etc..no.
I'm going to call it like it is.
Wow 453, not going to read all. But some of what you said is true. It's just an other way to separate people online.
Hey, but some of us whatever age we are do once in a while dream of fame or fortune. But I never got the online fame/thing. Famous online for doing something good, yes. Famous for being an wannabe/slut/showoff,fake, etc..no.
I'm going to call it like it is.
Mimi_Mami: Well they bought that "chic fierce phone" so they may as well find someone to call, even if that person is online.
Fraggle Shmaggle: Who the fuck cares if she has tits or not? Yes she's a fucktard but why the hell are you paying attention to her chest?
This is the best fight in history xD
Wow 453, not going to read all. But some of what you said is true. It's just an other way to separate people online.
Hey, but some of us whatever age we are do once in a while dream of fame or fortune. But I never got the online fame/thing. Famous online for doing something good, yes. Famous for being an wannabe/slut/showoff,fake, etc..no.
I'm going to call it like it is.
Opps triple post. I got lag.
I'm still laughing at most of the things Mika said.
I love you Mikaaaaa.
and out of what I've read, Angelica seems like a bitch. in the bad way. but, hey, I've never spoken to you, so the hell with it.
Thank you cbivrell. I admit once in a while I look at gossip. I never use to be like that. There're so many worse and important things out there. Focus your positive energy on doing something. If you’re out of shape, start walking, that's what I'm doing. If you're lonely/shy go out at times. If you're depressed find a creative outlet, or talk to someone. If you’re sick/sad surrounded yourselves with good people.
Please stop all this e-drama KIDS. Gosh if this is the future my kids someday will grow up in, then I'm scared to have kids. I’m not saying you shouldn’t stick up for a friend or even a stranger, but do you even know all about your online friends? True friends are hard to find. So don't be blinded. Log off once in a while.
Genophobia - You're a thick one aren't you? I couldn't give 4 shits about her tits..but seeing as they have come into heavy rotation in the past 5,427 comments....I used them in the common saying "she's all mouth and no action". The word mouth was replaced by the word tits. Get it now?
Sophia said...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Blogger Angelica Isaksson said...
Do I seem to care what other people find offencive?
Sunday, March 22, 2009
You should, twat.
Go out on to the street and laugh at someone wearing a burka and they'll beat your fucking ass.
I like that you say people are equal then go on to say you hate "popular" kids.
This is fucking stupid,
mario, your a wannabe , arna is wayy better than you !
And i dunno why your sayin shes fat or ugly or whaatever , state a you !
Your mammy got you sunglasses for pictures awhh so cute.This is you.
Ugly piece a crap that makes clothes all day ;/
This is fucking stupid,
mario, your a wannabe , arna is wayy better than you !
And i dunno why your sayin shes fat or ugly or whaatever , state a you !
Your mammy got you sunglasses for pictures awhh so cute.This is you.
Ugly piece a crap that makes clothes all day ;/
This is fucking stupid,
mario, your a wannabe , arna is wayy better than you !
And i dunno why your sayin shes fat or ugly or whaatever , state a you !
Your mammy got you sunglasses for pictures awhh so cute.This is you.
Ugly piece a crap that makes clothes all day ;/
HI! I like your blog! If you like mine, please put it on your Blogs list... and i'll put yours too.
If u do, Remind me please, because if u dont, i'll probably forget.
KISSES, Balsah
Whoreio, You've just lowered yourself to a new level, calling a 12 year old whore.
slagging each other you are all human
stop swearing
and beind stupid!!!
PS i agree arna a&b list? its stupid.
I totally lolled at your comment to angelica - "I suggest you buy a life on ebay since it's so obvious you don't have one!"
And it's so funny that she's going on about how she's so much cleverer than us and she spells "offensive" wrong. She looks about 15/16 and i'm 12 and i can spell it right.
And TFD i love how you stumble across this and make a funny comment lol!
I think all except Angelica are righ - cause dodence_bt came round in the end but it is frigging HILARIOUS reading all this though sorry to the people who actually were important in this and found it sad/mean/offensive etc.
Nah uuh! it's not finna go down like this! Ya need to stop ganging up on Arna like that! she got right to say whatever she feels! and Mario why? that is one of your best friends man. I cannot believe that you would talk to her that way. You are suppose to bring everybody together to resolve this problem. And yet! you are sitting there at your desk saying stuff to Arna. She got the right to say what she feels. Everybody got opinons and you need to respect hers. Ya need to cut the drama!
Arna I got your back keep holding your head up high and don't worry about none of these people! don't let them stop you from saying what you feel girl and bring down your spirit. All you wanna do is make peace on stardoll. Everybody is equal like she said. So ya'll can go and judge me, because Arna is my friend.And I ain't gonna let no one talk to her like that. That's arrogant and disrespectful!
Arna oviously you have fake friends. Because if Mario was a real man, he would've stood up and try to be a man and stop this problem from going too far.
That's all I got to say. I'm so angry right now you don't even know it, Mario I still can't believe you would talk to Arna that way! that is a bunch of B*TCHASSNESS right there!
Now I'm done. Known that Mario you are gonna regret talking to Arna that way.
Goodbye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(
sooooooooo...... How is everybody :)
Well this is awkward....
I have just read ALL of these comments and-believe me- it tooks HOURS!
God, Angelicaa is SUCH a bitch, but apart from that I loveeed reading it :]
Its hilarious!
Angelica <----- STAY AWAY!
Trust me :]
Angelica, you have the nerve to call people fat, point out the tiniest flaws when there is nothing wrong with possibly being overweight..
You pick out these flaws and yet you still don't notice your own flaws.
1. In that picture, you look like a SLUT.
2. You are fuck ugly.
Yeah.. I'm generally a nice person and I know I don't know these people well on Stardoll, I think you are being a bitch and I don't think it's right going against these people when they did nothing wrong.
So stop insulting people and buy a fucking mirror bitch.
Do you honestly not see what calling people fat does to people you stupid bitch.
I used to be obese and I used to get called fat and ugly. 2 years later I am now a healthy-ish weight for my age (8.5 stone and I am 5ft5) But I have body dismorphia and apparantly I also have signs of anorexia according to my best friend. I look in the mirror and see fat.. and that is what those people did to me.
Just because you think you're perfect doesn't mean you have the right to call someone fat and wish them brain damage.
I got news for you; NOBODY'S PERFECT.
Whoa, this page got filled in two days. O.o
i agree but not allpopular kids are stuck up, some are really nice too, i was always a stick in the mud..never noticed..
I agree that online popularity does not exist!
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