Most of you probably know this by now, but for those who don't..
To get this gorgeous Simple dress, you don't actually need to be from the UK like it says.

Yep, that's right, you can get it in a few easy steps.
1. Into your address bar type this: http://www.simple.co.uk/stardoll/?u=
after the u=, type your user ID which you can find here.
2. Go to that website.
3. At the bottom of the page it brings you to, fill in the form. Put in fake information if you want, it won't make a difference.
4. Go to your suite, where you will find a bag with your fabulous new dress!
Okay, so loads of people still seem to be having trouble with this.
I can do it for you if you really can't do it - no password needed. Write in my GB if you need me to do it.
But please try it yourself first, I don't have time to get it for everyone!
worked for me. Thanks
Thank you. (:
thank you, that helped =)
explains better. Whit images
I don't see how I can explain it better than that.. There's already step by step instructions.
oh,man why ?? This doesnt work for me....... Help mee
What part doesn't work? I'll try to help
it didnt work for me,:(
it didnt work.
Hmm I tryed those instructions a while ago and they didnt work for me. Maybe I will have to try again =]
They should work, I used them for my sister earlier today. Are you sure you're putting in your user ID?
Didn't worked for me.. :/
I followed exactly what the instructions said..
It worked for me! (I'm not eng)
Thank you,I love the dress!
:-) ana_maria_12 on SD
fabulous dress!!!! I love it ..
tedsata_95 check out!
Thx Fiona !
Tnx! My stardoll nickname is PurpLe_1998
BIG thanks!!!:))))
It's work!
Thanks so much!! :D
im not from UK but i get this dress
cute dress =)
one of the best gifts EVER:}
Great help! I loved the dress and only managed to grab it after I had read this post!
pretty free dress (sun)
The dress is beautiful, I love the color! Free stuff use to be ugly, but this dress surprised me! :)
i didnt have to do all of that...
this was only for uk members but everyone got it coz they didnt make that clear.
This dress is the first amazing free thing on stardoll...They mostly gave just ugly tees...
I can't do it! =(
Could you please help me, Fiona?
My stardoll account is: hyperattack09
(P.S: I Love your suite! How did you get so much stuff? It's probably worth a fortune!)
Your user id isn't your username!
It's a long string of numbers!
I was the one who said my username was hyperattack09 btw!
my user ID is 35352212 plz can u help me get the dress
i got a simple bag but it didnt have the dress in it...it had a bathingsuit and a large hat
Your user id isn't your username!
It's a long string of numbers!
I was the one who said my username was hyperattack09 btw!
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