Guess what? We've been nominated as best blog in the awards at:
It's our first nomination :)
I was also nominated along with -Cooldude and arna-rut for different awards.
The awards ceremony is on the 9th of January and there'll be a party to celebrate.
If you want to see who's been nominated or to vote, go to
In other news, we have a very special guest article lined up for New Years Day, but I won't say what it's about as it might be copied :P
Also, the reason we have no hit counter ATM is that I'm going to post one on New Years Day so we it will start on the first day of the year.
So we will have to start with new hits..?
Anyway, I was nominated for something!..for once!
Yep, we'll have to start with new hits. But I think it'll be kinda cool to see how many we get from the start of the year to the end :)
cool :D and second time in nominated for something xD
good luck every one.
What were we nominated for before?
What were we nominated for before?
Thanks for showing the votes :]
I think yer blog is going to win,
It totally deserves it . xx
Hope you win!
Wow! Well done for the nomination!
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