Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Stardoll changes

My friend, meanieboy, informed me about some changes on Stardoll, I also found some myself:

The family, friends, unclassified, etc. is now bigger and clearer. Also, all your friends are now in alphabetical order, which is much easier to find someone!

The clubs page has now changed. It's more.. creative? Also, there is a new part(I think it's new anyway) at the bottom under popular clubs, it shows the most active clubs! Some of which have not so much members!

This picture is from my friend, meanieboy. I think those little speech bubbles mean chat? Idk. It didn't show up on my page.

The visitors and your status is now more specific. Which would come in handy when doing trades, and you don't know if anyone else is on your page or not.

Okay, not so much of a big change, but still!

Again, from meanieboy's page. I haven't a clue what the thumb tack and the star are for :/
It's probably just a glitch!

Good or bad changes? Or completely pointless..


The find friends has also changed. You can search any country, your own country, boys or girls. You can also view the page differently, as shown above.


Bethbeth15 said...

Well, for me,
i have been waiting 4evr for stardoll to like, make the people who visit more specific, but like.. now it looks like no-one visited u in like.... hours or sumtin. ecspecially(can't spell) when like not so much da popular ppl on stardoll have people visiting them like 3 months ago...
i guess there good changes..
Beth Beth 15 x
p.s sorry about all the..

Anonymous said...

i think the clubs is ok but i stil wish we could search the club instead of going through a huge list or the owner

the friends list is ok

i dont like the friends search u cant just put in a name u have to go through a huge list ugh

love the blog-kyky

Unknown said...

The best friends are in alphabetical order.

sahar-star said...

I was confused at first but now I got used to it :D
but I also wonder about the thumb tack and the star :/

Bella<3 said...

One of my friends has a Thumb tack and when i click on her it leads me to someone else.So Confused..Btw, I thought Tchen got deleted?Today i was playing a Play and earn game and noticed she was on the top scores?

Ali said...

People on your friends list have always been in Alphabetical order you fuck tard. Go bore someone else on something we already fucking know. You dirty mother fuck. Get your shitty facts right next time.

-Cooldude said...

Ali mine weren't in alphabetical FYI, so I thought others might not have been as well.

Stop being such a selfish little bitch and fuck off if you don't like my posts.

Hannah (iluvmumble333) said...

Shes right. Before you friends list went in alphabetical with capital letters first, and then it started over with lowercase.

Oh, and my top friends were all screwed up too. Just redo them all, logout, and login again. It fixed them for me.

2_cutecarla said...

my friends a screwed up too

arna-rut said...

niceeeeee ;;O

Shinygirl772 said...

I don't really like the changes.
Especially the clubs, it's annoying.
And I was in two of the pictures! Yay. :D

Anonymous said...


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