I realy like the new Hotbuys!

Most of them are in Starplaza in november but we can wait...XD
Hotbuys dress-In shop 24 October
Hotbuys gloves-In shop 29 October
Hotbuys shoes-In shop 5 November
Hotbuys bag-In shop 7 November
Hotbuys skirt-In shop 10 November
Hotbuys necklace-In shop 12 November
Hotbuys coat-In shop 14 November
Hotbuys pumps-In shop 17 November
Hotbuys top-In shop 19 November
Hotbuys eyelashes-In shop 19 november
So whats your opinion?
And what's your favourite item?
mine is the Hotbuys top I think its the most cute :D
TarTan skirt Obv.
the hello kitty shirt is so WRONG! it doesnt even look like her anymoer
I love the heels, dress,necklace, and skirt.
it will probally be for all superstar. =( i cant renew mine because stardoll wont take my credit card anymore
nooh my ss ends november! :''O
ilove skirt <33
omg,i cant byu new ss...
im going crazy for that top!!
luvin the eyelashes!
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