Many people know that the clothes on coco chanel were allmost all COPIED from DKNY! Well i found something new

From Amy Adams to Paris Hilton, Notice the bag is JUST the same, just diffeent color?! And notice the dress, ITS THE FREAKING SAME!! Just edited ABIT!!! And notice the hair, it looks allmost the same, Has stardoll stopped bothering making NEW clothes?!
*EDIT - 4th of october 10:50 icelandic time(LOL)*
If you go to the Paris doll you notice she has a necklace AND a tiara, well if you go to the Amy Adam's doll, You'll see the exact SAME necklace and tiara!!
well i dont see what the problem is. the clothes are made out of real life clothes and if they look similar in reality should we make stardoll create a brand new items when they can copy old ones and insted have time over to make more clothes?
no its like they used the same pattern and all that yea
now if someone really liked the Enchanted dress but can't have it, they can get something similar, what's wrong with that?
like, someone bought the enchanted one for ALOT, then a like a COPY comes out for little amout?! yay, nice way to spend money, luckily i got mine cheap
I got my enchanted for 2$..hehe..lucky, eh Arna!? :)
ok.. so what's the problem with that?
it takes a long time to create a new item, so they took the existing enchanted dress, changed few things, changed the color [to a hideous one, gray scales next time plz!!] and instead of wasting at least an hour they transformed the dress in few minutes. smart.
yeh, true.
but,,, errm,, dkny and coco channel are both real brands. stardoll didnt make those brands. so cc didnt copy dkny.. stardoll moddelled their real clothes and they are just very similar. but remember: both those brands represtend style, sophistication and chic. :)
Yes, I see. That's happening with tons of new dolls!
there is a mint green jacket on the paris hilton 3 doll that is similar to the laura coat in starplaza
I totally agree! i hate knock offs!
yup me too
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