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For 15 Stardollars, go to: stardoll.com/sv/xml/getXMasMoney.php
For a chest from Moonacre, go to: stardoll.com/xml/getMoonacreDoors.php?itemId=18088
The chest looks like this:

I can't take credit for this, as Matulka, gave me this information.
Merry Christmas ^^,
I got them already but thanx ^.^
thanks it worked!!!! :D :D
Thank you people, you are so great. I just wanna ask how do you get other items from Moonacre ?
I think you have to change your country to Great Britain.
Then you should get a gift, which is a book, and click the lock..
But it always brings me to the start oage :S
know for hte money but thanks for the Chest! Hope there will be more!
thanks dude!
TYye moonacre stuff is different every two days ive got a piano , stool , cake stand , chest , and a balck labrador ! see my suite yelladuck for the pics of them !
Didn't work for me...:(
It came up something saying
lol must be somfin wrong..
Add me on Stardoll,Bronagh97
Cheat for money didnt worked for me :S:S
it says status= notXmas!!
what does it mean?
Hi -cooldude, remember me? I love you.
it comes up with the not xmas thing
it comes up with saying not x-mas
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