I was going around suites when i came to xhonestex suite, Her clothes are very nice, i was wondering how did she get that dress, Then i noticed she made a dress out of FLOWERS!!! I seriously am in love with that dress she made! And i seriously think she had to be featured.

xhonestex also has a blog called "
Famefashionfakes.blogspot.com" i think her blog is very nice, And i was honored to be featured in a brand new thing on there called "Big, Bold and Beautiful" i think her suite is worth stopping by, and you wont be dissapointed by checking her blog! :)
I also saw that outfit the other day, i thought it was one of the New Year Dresses but I was wrong when I tryed to pick it up to see the cost >.<
Very Creative.
xstarburstx808 [Holly] xx
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