Pathetically, You all post your opinions, "Anonymously". That just shows you have no backbone, and are afraid. Have a bit of courage. I seriously would not care what you say, think, or write.
I do agree with Arna on her last post, I myself even confronted her about her grammar, But she does speak a different language all day, its not fair to complain if she does not speak English 24/7.
I know I will be getting some "Anonymous" stupid, and worthless comments in this post. But read this. I DO NOT CARE. I am a person who does not take criticism seriously.
One other thing, Because of "Lack of posts", we ALL go to school, have homework, or else there is absolutely nothing happening on Stardoll.(Unless you want us to write about something that Stardoll itself has made very obvious). The holidays are soon, so maybe there will be alot more happening. We are not asking you to refresh this blog every single second, there are PLENTY other things you could be possibly doing.
Totaly agree
Wow Sean 0.0
I know my new post is about something that Stardoll made very obviouse but I just wanted to post about something lmao
hey, cooldude! why is that u always have boring posts? :-s
Anonymous said...
hey, cooldude! why is that u always have boring posts? :-s
Is your life so worthless that you have to take out like few minutes of your un-precious time to post a hating comment? :-) Sean was pointing out a good fact ;)
Thanks Arna, and ninafrusciante, Remember, I don't care ;D
I agree with you.You all go to school like the others and you can't be all day on the computer...Life is not ONLY Stardoll...is it?
just dont listen to them your blog rox
You wanted their opinions... well that's it. I'm sorry but it's jsut people's opinions, no need to get things worked up. Hello it's a computer website for a virtual fashion web! So they might not like your bord posts =/ Do you know them in real life? Probably not so why would it matter. I do respect that you handle these poeple in a very mature way. I mean I know some can be very rude but other are just saying.
Plus even though you make up the website, the people are the ones who read, comment, and help out. So we all contribute in a way so if people have things they think is a waste... I say let them speak. You just don't have to listen. And it kind of offends me that you say that you're readers have "no backbone and are afraid". Maybe they dont have a google username, or maybe they just don't want to deal with the troube they might get. This isn't a hate comment, and please don't think it is cuz i really am not hating on anyone; it's just an opinion. Please don't get all mad because I'm saying what I feel. Thank you
I will say though that i DO agree on the not enough posts. I think people who are saying that should just go and find their own research of stardoll then. And arna? I could careless about the grammer.
~I don't want to act like a "no back bone or afraid" kind of person... =/
Thanx for reading and please don't take it the wrong way cooldude. I'm not trying to start anything... I just am saying my opinion =]
Fiona, fire -cooldude.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Fiona, fire -cooldude.
If she fire's him im gone, Im NOT going on, on this blog unless we keep the original staff, That is me, fiona, sahar and sean. But if one of us 4 chooses to leave thats how it is, but till that, im not gonna be on a blog that fires writers that have been working so long,
you can make post like every 5 seconds. It takes time to write a post and get images and stuff like that. and also the bad grammer doesnt ever bother me at all.
that's so sad!! it doesn't matter about arna's english. We aren't always perfect.
If that's your attitude then I'll stop reading Gossip-Star.
Fiona ASKED for people's opinions! Why do you get so pissed? Listen to what people says and learn something from it!
Well ive been behind you the whole way, infact people even started to turn against ME for sticking up for you all in the chatbox.
And the whole thing about 'obvious' posts, im shocked. In fact, I look on here first, then go check the updates for myself on stardoll. For example, I had no idea about the extra room being released that Sahar just posted about, I don't care what other people think, the fact is is that your amazing blog is bringing the news to all your readers, and you make an awesome job of it!
For the people who complain about your grammar, well they should see the way people type in the chatbox or on stardoll in general. TBH, as long as I can read it, Im not too fussed about grammar online!
Keep up the awesome work guys, i <3 this blog!
MollyMasquerade xo
Thank you Molly :)
Woah! People calm down! X)
lol i agree rosie333
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