I thought I'd show you this website I've been on for a while. It's called Moshi Monsters and here's a bit about it.
It's targeted at ages 12 and under, but I like these kind of sites, so have a look, you might like it! :)
You have a pet monster that you can dress up.
They have a house that you can decorate with furniture.
You have to feed your monster.
You do puzzles and games to earn money called Rox.
It's completely free!
If you want to come on by and see what it's like, you can visit my monster by clicking the title 'Cool website'. You can join from there if you like what you see! If you do join, don't forget to add me and tell me you found me here!
It's targeted at ages 12 and under, but I like these kind of sites, so have a look, you might like it! :)
You have a pet monster that you can dress up.
They have a house that you can decorate with furniture.
You have to feed your monster.
You do puzzles and games to earn money called Rox.
It's completely free!
If you want to come on by and see what it's like, you can visit my monster by clicking the title 'Cool website'. You can join from there if you like what you see! If you do join, don't forget to add me and tell me you found me here!
hey foina!i saw your monster,it's so cute!mines bethbeth15....
bethbeth15xoxo your my firend on stardoll
I joined!
mines tealsmoke user name and my monster is teal!
hey foina!
i don't appreciate arna being rude and mean behind my back just because i made a stupid rumer up that was supposed to be a prank,i made the biggest apology that i could and she jost ingnored me and cursed back at me,i don't think thats a very good influence to someone that is 10.
thanks for your time,i hope you can talk to her for me to sort the problem out:D
bethbeth15(a friend on stardoll)
i joined i'm called angelme123456 but i only just joined
i joined too mine is musiclover671 and my monsters name is island
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