I remembered i came 2nd for Covergirl the 4th of december 2006, I checked if it was true and YUP there my medoll was. So long for those who say i LIED :) The girl who won CHEATED, She self-voted ;/ REALLY many people said i deserved winning, But Ohwell :P and that girl got deleted, So technicly i won covergirl there, But never really won a badge :)
Want proove?

ALSO want to know how the OLD hotbuys looked like? :) Then check the fashion section, You can see VERY old. But i remembered when the ben amun came, It was accully in the October HB section but only came out in NOVEMBER :P So i'd really check out
I hate cheaters :-/
They always make fun things poop
hotbuys are messed up in magazine.
wow congratz lol im in ur 'friends onlne list in that picture lolz
Wow! Congrats!
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