Here is a look of her clothing room. After i sorted it ABIT out tho.
Here is what her presentation says, Do i believe this? NO. Why? I was a user of the loophole, Knew all of their versions. When you doublecated the item, Another one did not show up.
So yep, Apperantly she doesnt like this. Who blames her? Waitwait, She should want them, Wow you can make alot out of these cloths!!
So if you got anything more interesting and good. Just friend request me. If you tell me this the credit does go to you.
JOHNNY CHRIST She's gotta lot of duplicates...I'd sell them if I was a superstar and I had all that...I don't believe her, either. I'll be searching around for any more doubles...
Its true what that girl is saying. It happend to me too (shoppbabe12)
Shes not lying.
I hope she will sell some soon
I don't believe her! She must know what she did. What a pathetic excuse LOL
well i don't know how they do that... but just check marcii90 page... she have tons of DKNY and HB duplicated.... it's awesome!!
I swear, it's the truth. I wrote to Stardoll and they told me they were having some technical difficulties and they'd try to sort it out, but they haven't yet. I would sell them if I could, but they don't appear in my Starbazaar. I honestly truthfully don't know what I did, or else I would tell you.
And thank you to shoppbabe12, at least someone believes me :)
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