There is a new hacker. Her name karendd9, Shes got one of the biggest clubs on stardoll not to mention has been covergirl in the Show. Well something weird is going on as she sayd she was gonna help me becoming covergirl but ended up wanting my password. I thought id take some screenies just to show you what kind of a person she is..

Covergirl, Good medoll and successfull club. What does she want more?!?

First part of our convo, See what she does.. "/

Second part of the convo, She looked sweet, then wanted the PASS.. :l
Now, Think we should stop her before she hacks people? Just report her. Get her deleted, That girl doesnt deserve to be on stardoll!
I saw her in like, EVERYONES guestbook asking would they like to be CG! She mostly aims for rich people..
i thought she was so nice. i cant trust her anymore.
If you need an efficient,brilliant hacker contact brillianthackers800@gmail.com,he is very thrust worthy,he does not waste time with jobs,he can help you spy on your cheating spouse,boyfriend,girlfriend,he can also help you increase your school grades,pay back your bank loans, he can help you with any hack just name it and he will be working on it,contact him and thank me later.
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