Thought id make a lil quiz, where the prize is superstar gifts worth 20(After i get my weekly allovence) And 25 worth of penguins(LOL) For the runner up I went to a doll and a user. And copied the dolls HEAD and the Users BODY. I will post the image i got after putting both together and the task is Finding what doll it is and what user. Hint: The doll is not a celeb, And the user was recently featured in a succeful gossip.

Here is what i made. Also please dont say anything bad, this is bad done yes. But made in paint so..
Please do not post answears in comments as others might COPY. Please Friend Request me on stardoll and post me with your answears after ive finished accepting you. :)
The competition ends at September the 5th. I might even involve a RARE item. BUT to be in the contest you MUST be part of the gossip-stardoll group! :)
And also Fakeshake3 Returned today, Apperantly she lost a close friend. Im so sorry Ellie. Hope youll be okay :( <3
But anyways. Not much has happened haha. Hope Sean or Fiona try blogging some more later :]
Till then x

(Note, i dont have that dress. so lame photomake yes)
HINT: The person who wrote about the USER is a person in my best friends list, So hurry. Also i couldnt edit the blog so im posting it here x
How did you make the person in the pink? i never can figure how!
Where can ppl find questions to the quiz?? thanks x
lol, i found a user, copied her and pasted in paint. and copied head of a doll and cleared around it and pasted it on the body then just fixed
the user is fashion.intern and the doll is the DKNY doll :):)
Was the gossip published in this blog??
And is she still wearing the dress or do we have to go look in her closet? :p
The lottery dresses are amazing!
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