I know you must be sick and tired of hearing about Olsenkate, but I just need to get this off my chest (and out of my mailbox)
For those of you who don't know, Olsenkate is a girl who copied my club's name, presentation, topics and broadcasts. She is also a well known scammer. She continually hassles me and I just wanted to show you some irritating mails she sent me (I wrote my answers onto them in Paint).
P.S. She was able to mail me because I accepted her when she mailed me saying 'I have something to tell you'. I stupidly assumed she was going to apologise..
(Click all the pictures to enlarge them)
Now people can see the real you, Olsenkate.
If you want to see who copied who with the clubs, go to the members page of each one and you will notice that mine was made months before hers. Hers has a lot of members because she broadcasts it with the stardollars she scammed from people.
I have a source currently investigating Olsenkate. I won't say who in case she reads this, but look out for news on this blog!
Shes sad, Fiona has a life. Olsenkate doesnt, Olsenkate scam's. Fiona doesnt, I traded fiona before me and her got close, And she didnt scam.. Fiona = Trustworthy, olsenkate = SCAMMER
So she's selling her account!
She said so in her club
She said the person who offers the most codes will get her account!
OMG what a lowlife! actually wanting u to msg her so she has drama. She's the one who probably stays in all day just to see if fiona msg's her! Then probably report her! Fiona whatever the club is i'll give u money towards 2 broadcasts for ur club. my account name is annakin. I'll buy an item u don't want of ur choice for $11 incl tax so u can send 2 broadcasts and get more ppl to ur club x love gossipstardoll!!
Fiona. I am sorry she's doing this to you. Good job ignoring her and blocking her. We should feel sorry for her. She probably comes from a bad family :P
ditto to ana-rut
Hahaha-She does make herself Imaginary Friends-Like At the beginning of her BF list it says
that she knows two people from school....Well They are both from Different Countries and had different Ages....Hmmmm.(FREAK)
She's so sad & pathetic :)
You handled it well & u gave
good replies :)
Those letters look like they're writen from 6-years old little girl...(talking about olsenkate's letters)
annakin, thanks so much for the offer, it's so kind, but it's okay! I have quite a few stardollars, so I can broadcast it. I really appreciate it though!
it's pretty fun to read those mails xD
Wow. What a spaz. I'd report her.
She puts the p on pathetic! She lacks originality!
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