Yep. Your looking at 5 MKA items. But two of all!
Photoshopped? Not believing. Then find the search in your stardoll and search Superstar. I was shocked looking at this, She bought some and got others as a gift(Wich means shes gotten the free ones After cause else she cant buy) Cheat? Prize?
EDIT: SUPERSTAR IS INFACT BUKUJUNIEK!! Shes known for Cheats. Yes i took proove.
But hey, They are BOTH from poland, Same designs. So much more.
Bukujuniek is back. I was surprized superstar was my friend since infact i had no idea who she was. That explains. Me and bukujuniek were friends before she got DELETED
thats that girl who always made a fuss bout her self... wo is it >.< bujeniek! thats it thats her new account name
Lol, nope. Bukujuniek somehow got her account back with ANOTHER NAME! all her stuff and sceneries - all there!! Shes the one an elite(not saying name sorry) wanted to hack.. She knows all the cheats
Yeah that superstar girl posted the cheat in her own "fanclub". I have a proper translation from a polish girl but it's so confusing. Kudos for finding that out!
i know one girl
her name is little_willow
she has duplicate DKNY and HBs i don't know how ?
She is bukujniek because a few months ago I was looking at my friend list and Superstar had the same comment beside her name as what bukujuniek did.
i noticed. That chick has a fanclub for herself(She accully had around 5 when she had her accounts bukujuniek1-30 or something lols)
geez!!! it is bukujuniek, she just chenged her name, her account was never deleted.!!!!changing a name is possible cos Teale changed her name to Hifof as well. Bukujuniek- Superstar has her clothes from loophole,that was a cheat for duplicating clothes that worked in march, duh...!!!it's getting old though cos everyone writes abt it like 5 months later!!!it was possible to sell the item but at the same time the same item stayed in the suite and the copy appeared too. People stop getting excited !!!!
I know how to change your name, its quite simple though..
She is just using the loophole for the doubles!
She is using the loophole for the doubles!
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