I had the great pleasure to interview the amazing, Chachadancing who is the owner of club: FashionClub which is the second biggest stardoll club! I decided to interview her to discuss her opinions on the sponsored clubs and fashion here on stardoll.
Star_Designs- Its great to see you Chachadancing and I have a couple questions to ask you. Well first, I want to congradulate you on having the second biggest club here on stardoll! As you already know, stardoll is coming up with many sponsored clubs. What are your opinion on these? Do you think you have a chance of knocking off the top ten if there becomes many more sponsored clubs?
Chachadancing- Maybe not knocked out, but defently be like 5th or something! That's kinda annoying.
Star_Designs- How has it been since you have the second biggest club?
Chachadancing- Busy, and fun! Sometimes I do not want to log on, but Stardoll is fun, so I do it anyway :)
Star_Designs- How did you make your club so popular?
Chachadancing- Thats a hard question... well my club was one of the first ones, and I think thats why! It was a new thing and people joined.
Star_designs- What does your style say about you?
Chachadancing- I love to mix a lot! I love to be chic and stylish, but then other times I want to be crazy and just make it 'me'.
Star_Designs- What is your favorite shop?
Chachadancing- Without a doubt, H&M because it is so cheap and stylish!
Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed this quick interview with ChaChaDancing!
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